I don't know who needs to hear this,

but dishonesty breeds resentment.

Dishonesty is a Petrie dish for resentment.

It grows. It multiplies. It festers.

It eats away at who you are… who think think you are… who you want to be.  

Think of the times when you’ve  say “yes” when you really wanted to say “no.” 

The times when you didn’t say, what needed to be said. 

What feelings came up for you in that moment? 

What feelings did you hold on to a long time after that moment? 

The times you’ve said “yes” to doing something and you really didn’t have the time, energy or capacity.  

When you’ve said “yes” and you didn’t have the resources. 

Money is a resource. But so is your time and energy. 

Now, think of dishonesty as the germs that you place in a Petrie  dish.  

Each lie, each moment of dishonesty with yourself, with others, adding to the virus, to the bacteria.  

It grows.  It festers into a sickness. Resentment.  

An illness that you then have a hard time healing. 

Healing in relationships. Helping within yourself. 

Recovering from a feeling of being taken advantage of. 

Taken for granted.  




A disease that you now need to heal from. 

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Where you will be able to identify the signs of resentment and discover new tools to begin your healing process so that resentment no longer has a place to grow within you.